Friday, March 15, 2013

Northern tour - last stop Banaue

Banaue is rice terrace paradise, and really worth its status as a Unesco World Heritage site. It is amazing.

 Approaching Banaue from Sagada.

 Hana: "He looks like daddy!"
(is that me in the background then?)

 Getting closer.

We stayed at the rustic but really nice Native Village Inn, a lovely place with the most amazing views, like this one from our favourite UNO spot.

And, yes, apart from hiking around the rice terraces, we did play quite a bit of UNO. Hana without doubt the game queen of the week.

Rice terraces were high and steep and gave us more of a Macchu Picchu than Sapa feel, if you ever should compare places...

Traveling around, local style, what else.

And yes, Banaue for sure deserves its star as a Northern Philippines highlight. I hope we will be back - once we have forgotten that the place is an 11 hour drive from Manila (in our car, not the tricycle, always something).


  1. Hi, this looks fantastic! I enjoy your blog very much .. we are also an expat family but from the other side of the world middle east and now North Africa ... would love to live in an Asian country though . Take Care, Nadine

    1. Thanks for your comment, it is always so nice to see who is visiting :-)
